

Al Baraka Bank is dedicated to assisting you in the healthy management of your finances and the obligations that are attached t...
What is Islamic Banking

What is Islamic Banking

Al Baraka Bank in South Africa is a fully integrated subsidiary of Al Baraka Group B.S.C. (c), a Bahrain-based financial instit...
Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Al Baraka Bank believes in providing positive social value to the community, country and the world. We value the environment, a...
Shareholder Announcements

Shareholder Announcements

As part of our commitment to fair, equitable and trusting partnerships, we always strive to bring you the most relevant announc...


Corporate governance is the system used to direct and manage the affairs of our bank with the aim of enhancing prosperity in b...

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We’ve made investing safe and simple for you. Now you can deposit  a specific sum of money for a selected period of time (1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 months), and enjoy your share of the expected profits from our partnership, all Shari'ah compliant. You also have the option to withdraw the earned profits at specific times.


As an Al Baraka partner, we’ll help you select the best option for financing your business activity. We believe in equity and strong relationships, so whichever financing option you choose, you can be sure you’ll be sharing in the benefits of a trusting partnership.